Mie ga Korean Restaurant Mie ga韓國餐廳今天我和小胖試了一家新的韓國餐廳 這家餐廳在一家亞洲雜貨商場裡Today we went to a new Korean restaurant. This restauran is in the new Asia Center. 外觀裝飾的很有特色 The outside is very nice, very creative尤其是這道門 不過這只是裝飾 正門在另一邊Especially this door, but this is just a decoration, the entry is at the other side. 裡面光線很充足 應該 很好照相The lights are very bright inside, it should be good for photography. 裝飾的滿有特色的 說不上很美 但是看起來很舒服 牆上的電視撥放的是韓國節目The decor is pretty nice, nothing amazing, but looks very comfortable. The TV on the wall is showing Korean TV show我們坐的亭比較有特色 有一些雕花的裝飾The booth we sat has some unique decor正恩醒了一下不過很快就睡著了Jayden wakes up for a little bit, but falls asleep right away. 餐具 沒有什麼特別的The plates and cups are nothing fancy. 阿 在韓國餐廳桌上都有這個鈴 按一下 侍者會過來問你須要什麼 小胖覺得很稀奇Ah, at the Korean restaurant there is always a bell on the table, when you press on it, the waitor will come and ask what you need. Xiao-pang is pretty amazed. 一坐下來 他們就會送上小菜When you sit down, they will bring you the little dishes. 我最愛韓國小菜I love the Korean little dishes. 小胖喜歡這個豆腐乾Xiao-pang likes the tofu dish我喜歡這個沙拉I like the fruit salad我們點了這個炒麵 韓國炒麵特別的是麵 麵是麥做的 透明的We order the fried noodle. The Korean noodle is clear and made out of wheat滿好吃的It is pretty good. 小胖也吃的很開心Xiao-pang likes it a lot!這個是有明的韓國烤肉 用的這個鐵盤讓我想起台灣夜市的牛排The famouse Korean BBQ. This hot plate reminds me of the iron plate they use at the Taiwanese night market restaurant. 飯都用鐵碗裝The rice is always in an iron bowl. 正恩醒過來了 可惜只能看我們吃 沒關係 媽媽等會餵奶你就吃的到了Jayden wakes up now, and he can only watches us eat. Don't worry, Jayden, you will eat the dishes through me. .
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