Superior Pho 越南湯麵今天要跟好久不見的朋友吃飯 所以打扮了一下 最近都沒好好的整理頭髮 所以很少放下來Today we are meeting Naomi and Jaime which I haven't seen for a while. I dressed up a little bit since I have not gone out with friends for a while. 這家越南餐廳以前來過 不過好久沒來沒想到大客滿 差點沒座位We have come to this restaurant a long time ago. We cannot believe that it is all packed. We almost could not find a seat我跟小胖還有睡的不醒人事的正恩Xiao-pang and me and unconcious Jayden朋友跟她男朋友Naomi and Jaime. What a cute couple. 小胖最愛的越南三明治 裡面包泡菜籮菠還有豬肉片Xiao-pang favorite Vietnamese sandwich, there is kimchi veges and slice pork我點的餐附的炸春捲 還可以The spring roll came with the meal, it was ok. 這個是最有名的湯麵 這家的還不錯 但另一家的更棒 裡面是牛肉片 也有別的肉可以選擇 像貢丸 雞肉 我是覺得薄薄的牛肉片最好吃I got the steak flank pho soup. This one is pretty good, but the other restaurant has the better pho soup. 之後我們帶他們去喝珍珠奶茶 今天這裡也是大客滿Afterwards we went to Koko bakery. It is packed today, too正恩要吃奶了所以抱他餵奶It is time for Jayden to eat, so I am holding him. 哈哈 正恩這張表情真好笑 冏的代表Haha, Jayden's facial expression is hilarious朋友從倫敦帶回來給我的茶Naomi brought tea back from London for me. .
- Mar 24 Sat 2012 04:02
Superior Pho 越南湯麵